How Come My Back And Neck Pain Always Comes Back In Danville VA?
How Come My Back & Neck Pain Always Comes Back In Danville VA?

Upper Cross and Lower Cross Syndrome are 2 of the most common culprits. Upper Cross Syndrome (UCS) is a postural condition characterized by muscle imbalances and weakness in the neck, shoulder, and chest muscles. This syndrome is often caused by prolonged sitting or standing in poor posture, such as hunching over a computer, laptop, phone, or cash register for extended periods of time. If you are suffering from chronic pain in Danville VA, contact CoreMedX today.
Researchers have found some muscles are susceptible to becoming very tight and their antagonist muscles (ones that oppose them) are facilitated by the tight muscles and become very, very weak.
In UCS, the upper trapezius and levator scapulae muscles become tight and overactive, while the deep cervical flexors and lower trapezius muscles become weak and underactive. Similarly, the pectoralis major and minor muscles become tight and overactive, while the rhomboids and serratus anterior muscles become weak and underactive.
These muscle imbalances can lead to a variety of symptoms, such as neck and shoulder pain, headaches, and restricted range of motion in the neck and shoulders.
Treatment for UCS typically involves chiropractic spinal manipulation, stretching of the tight muscles, and strengthening of the weakened muscles.
Lower Cross Syndrome (LCS) is a postural condition characterized by muscle imbalances and weakness in the hip, back, and abdominal muscles. This syndrome is often caused by prolonged sitting or standing in poor posture, such as slouching or leaning forward excessively.
In LCS, the hip flexor muscles become tight and overactive, while the gluteus maximus and abdominal muscles become weak and underactive. Similarly, the erector spinae muscles of the lower back become tight and overactive, while the deep abdominal muscles become weak and underactive.
These muscular imbalances lead to loss of normal joint range of motion and a variety of symptoms, such as lower back pain, sciatica, or neck and arm pain are direct result of these restrictions.
Silent And Deadly In Danville VA
Let either Upper Cross or Lower Cross Syndrome fester for long enough and the discs will begin to show signs of wear and tear (arthritis). Add in repetitive micro-trauma (like swinging a gold club, working on an assembly line, or picking up grandchildren) and you’ve got the perfect recipe for disc disease! Ignore the pain for a couple more years and you rdeveloo bone spurs and are heading toward spinal surgery.
Is It Just Inevitable?
Obviously adjustments can help to break the cycle of pain by reducing joint dysfunction, but they are seldom effective in the long term. It’s kinda like taking a wholistic Tylenol (gets rid of the pain for a day) but without also addressing the underlying weakness and hypertonicities described above you are just “kicking the can down the road”.
Treatment for LCS and UCS typically involves manipulation (spinal adjustments) and therapeutic exercise to correct muscular imbalances. In most cases correction of the muscle function will improve posture, reduce pain, and help the adjustments hold much longer.
Chiropractic maintenance adjustments are usually able to maintain proper function and prevent long term damage by themselves after muscular imbalances have been corrected.
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
7:30am - 5:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
441 Piney Forest Rd E
Danville, VA 24540
(434) 797-4455